Traditionally, the remedy for thin or sparse eyebrows has been to rely on makeup products or tatooing to fill in "gaps". Those who expect a more permanent result have now one option: Eyebrow Transplant. This is an office procedure performed by doctor. Hairs are surgically removed and transferred from the back of the head under local anesthesia. Eyebrow hair hransplant before and after pictures can be found here.
Good Candidates for Eyebrow Transplant
Eyebrow transplant was initially used to repair defect. Recently there has been a surge of demand by both men and women in enhancing the shape and thickness of their normal eyebrow. Eyebrow transplant can produce very natural looking result in the following conditions:
1. Scar Repair

• Thicken thin eyebrow
• Correct Birth defect
• Damage after removal of tattoo
• Scar caused by injury & surgery
2. Add-On Density

Re-contour your eyebrows to shape and size you want.
Our Professional Beautician Sara can assist you in
designing a natural looking eyebrows.
• Those who desire a perfect result should
first tattoo lightly the eyebrow shape to ensure symmetry.
• This service is included in our
"Perfect Eyebrow Package" .
• Blood thinner such as Aspirin and Plavrix
should be stopped a week before. Otherwise the transplanted
area is prone to bleeding and bruising after the
• Keep some hair at the back of the head to
cover the donor area
Pain Less Local Anesthesia
Our procedure is performed under local anesthesia with oral sedation. The use of the very fine 33G needle ( 0.2mm tip ) and a slow injecting technique are the keys to minimize discomfort during injection.
Our Technique
• Careful selection of matching donor hair,
avoiding white and thick hair
• Mark the positions of the head, peak, and
tail of the eyebrows according to patient's liking
• Ensure the patients agree with the
eyebrow design
• Adjust the angle, orientation, and
direction of insertion along the eyebrow for a 3D Effect
• Hair of different calibers are planted at
different sites
• Follow our "Eyebrow Taming Protocol" to
ensure transplanted hairs flow naturally.
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